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Tip of the Week: 3 New Tricks to Teach Your Old Computer Mouse

b2ap3_thumbnail_mouse_wheel_click_400.jpgThe computer mouse has been a staple in the modern office for many years. Despite its proven usefulness, it’s now threatened by the growing adaptation of touchscreen devices in the workplace. Are you considering trading in your trusty mouse? Before you do, consider these three mouse scroll wheel tricks that make your boring old mouse more useful.

Who said you can’t teach an old mouse new wheel tricks?


Click a Link With the Scroll Wheel Button to Open it In a New Tab
What’s that you say, a mouse scroll wheel button? If this is the first you’ve heard about the scroll wheel also being a third button on your mouse, then you’re getting your money’s worth with this blog article because we just opened up for you a whole new and click-tastic world.

To execute this first trick, all you have to do is move the cursor over a hyperlink and click the mouse scroll wheel button. This will automatically open the link in a new browser tab, which is easier than having to right-click the hyperlink and then go to “Open link in new tab.”

Close the Browser Tab By Clicking it With the Mouse Scroll Wheel Button
When you’re done with your browser’s tab, you can close it just as easily using the mouse scroll wheel button. All you have to do is move your cursor anywhere on the tab and then select the mouse scroll wheel button.

Granted, this isn’t a major upgrade from selecting the red X with the left mouse button, but it does give you a little bit more room to work with. Additionally, once you get in the habit of using the mouse scroll wheel button, you’ll find yourself closing tabs in this manner more often.

Ctrl+Scroll Up to Zoom In/Ctrl+Scroll Down to Zoom Out
For our third trick, try using the mouse scroll wheel in conjunction with the Ctrl key for easy zooming in and out of your web browser, as well as most other applications too. As you hold down the Ctrl key, your page will zoom in as you push the mouse forward, and zoom out as you push the wheel in the opposite direction.

Ultimately, this is the fastest and easiest way to zoom in and zoom out, especially in comparison to locating the view tab and manually selecting “zoom in” or “zoom out.”

Bonus Tip: One of the handiest uses for this zoom-in feature is when you’re browsing a web page with annoying ads on the side of the page. Simply perform this new scroll wheel trick and zoom in just enough to where you no longer see the ads. Problem solved. You’re welcome.

It turns out that your old computer mouse can do more than what you previously thought. Pretty cool, huh? Perhaps now you’ll think twice about trading in your mouse and workstation for a fancy new touchscreen device. Or, maybe not.

Can you teach an old mouse any more new tricks? If so, share them with us in the comments.



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