Bevlin Blog

Bevlin has been serving the Boston area since 2006, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

There’s a Lot Asked of IT Teams… Let Us Help Lighten the Load!

There’s a Lot Asked of IT Teams… Let Us Help Lighten the Load!

Businesses rely on a ton of technology for their operations and, as such, rely on support to help keep these tools working effectively. We would know! We proudly provide our neighbors with the technical assistance they need to succeed. As we’ve done so, we’ve noticed that there are some support needs we frequently attend to. 

Let’s review some of them and why they are so vital for you to have assistance in managing, preferably, from us!

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It May Be Time to Break Up with Your Old Technology

It May Be Time to Break Up with Your Old Technology

We all have old friends; not the ones that you went to high school with, but oldish technology that we simply can’t bring ourselves to upgrade away from. At some point, however, old technology stops being a trusty sidekick and starts feeling like an anchor. If your devices are making life harder instead of easier, it might be time to say goodbye. Here’s how to know when it's time to let go and upgrade.

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No, Multitasking Isn’t an Effective Way to Do Things

No, Multitasking Isn’t an Effective Way to Do Things

You’ve probably been told that multitasking is the ultimate skill. Employers love it, schools encourage it, and everyone seems to brag about how they can juggle ten things at once. But here’s the truth: multitasking doesn’t actually work. In fact, it makes you slower, more stressed, and less productive.

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3 Strategies to Help You Be More Productive and Achieve More During Your Work Sessions

3 Strategies to Help You Be More Productive and Achieve More During Your Work Sessions

Productivity is what fuels your personal or professional goals, and it’s easy to tie it into your self-worth if you’re not careful. It’s hard to be productive all the time, though. Today, we want to give you some actionable tips on how you can keep your productivity levels reasonably high.

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Tip of the Week: Treat Your Tasks Like a Game of Chess

Tip of the Week: Treat Your Tasks Like a Game of Chess

Sometimes, one of the most effective ways to be productive is to step back for a moment. Consider how long a chess grandmaster will sit and stare at the board, planning the moves and maneuvers for the next seven turns.

So, to boost your productivity, approach your tasks like a chess grandmaster. Let’s discuss how to go about doing so.

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Six Considerations for Your Next Productivity Software

Six Considerations for Your Next Productivity Software

Your business’ productivity software is one of the more important decisions you’ll make, and while there are many options, they won’t all be the best solution. Small business owners have to carefully consider price, scope, and integration, among other factors. Today, we’re looking at six aspects of productivity software your business should think about before committing to a solution.

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How Productivity Plays Into a Successful Business

How Productivity Plays Into a Successful Business

With the many issues that arise day by day, it’s no small feat to stay productive. Still, a team must be able to manage its various tasks and projects in an efficient way, and it can make all the difference in efficiently completing these tasks. Today, we want to examine why productivity is important and how you can keep it high for your team.

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Eyestrain? Start Looking for Dark Mode on Your Devices

Eyestrain? Start Looking for Dark Mode on Your Devices

The concept of dark mode has saturated the technological ecosystem and consciousness and is being incorporated by software and hardware vendors alike. Although embraced by vendors and users as a needed feature, the question remains, is there a benefit to dark mode?

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Tip of the Week: 4 Ways to Make Sure Workplace Instant Messaging Enhances Productivity

Tip of the Week: 4 Ways to Make Sure Workplace Instant Messaging Enhances Productivity

Instant messaging has changed the way that individuals communicate with one another, both in their personal lives and in the workplace. Just as email threw a wrench in traditional mail's plans, instant messaging threatens to jump start a new method of instantaneous communication, one which can be seen as a great benefit, but also an immense annoyance.

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Tip of the Week: How to Easily Add a Second Phone Number to Your Mobile Device

Tip of the Week: How to Easily Add a Second Phone Number to Your Mobile Device

As the smartphone takes over many of our daily tasks, it can be annoying if we have to use a separate device to accomplish what we need to, like making calls on a different phone. Did you know that it’s easy to add a second phone number to your smartphone?

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3 Ways the Internet is Changing Things, for Better AND for Worse

3 Ways the Internet is Changing Things, for Better AND for Worse

We’ve all become so adapted to the conveniences of the Internet that it’s difficult to remember what society was like before it. This becomes especially obvious when watching old movies. How odd is it to see characters do pre-Internet activities like go to the library to research information and use a phone book? These are just some of the ways that the Internet has dramatically changed society, for better and perhaps for worse.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways to Be Productive When Your Internet Connection Fails

b2ap3_thumbnail_no_internet_400.jpgModern businesses are reliant on certain parts of their infrastructure to keep operations functioning. For example, if your building’s electricity were to go down, what would you do? What about if you lost Internet access? Would your business be able to keep your employees busy, or would the downtime experienced be enough to cause panic?

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Tip of the Week: How to Make an Animated Image From Your Favorite YouTube Video

b2ap3_thumbnail_animate_your_gifs_400.jpgGIFs. What are they? If you’ve spent any time perusing the Internet, you’ve definitely come across a GIF or two. Essentially, a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an animated picture that loops a few seconds of a video clip (without playing any audio). In addition to GIFs being fun, they can serve as a great way to enhance digital communications. How can you take advantage of GIFs?

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Here’s the Best Way to Safeguard Your Computers From Power Outages

b2ap3_thumbnail_uninterrupted_power_supply_400.jpgWhen it comes to purchasing the best technology to protect your business, you should consider an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) device. The reasoning is simple; they help your organization avoid data loss, and aid in business continuity. Here’s what you need to know about UPS devices.

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Tip of the Week: Take Advantage of Your Mouse’s “Snap To” Feature

b2ap3_thumbnail_snap_to_mouse_400.jpgComputers are designed to save people significant time when it comes to getting work done, and with a few simple tweaks and adjustments, you can trim even more seconds off a project, which really adds up in terms of gaining productivity. Your PC’s Snap To mouse feature is a classic example of this.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Essential Bluetooth Devices for Your Smartphone

b2ap3_thumbnail_tablets_for_works_400.jpgIf you’ve ever taken your gadgets on the go for work purposes, you might have found that it’s somewhat difficult to get anything done with the limited computing potential of a smartphone or tablet. However, with the right technology, you can take full advantage of your mobile devices, especially if you’re using Windows 10 with its full Microsoft Office suite (Want to know if Windows 10 is right for your business? Reach out to us before you upgrade).

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Tip of the Week: Try the 52-17 Rule to Get the Most Productivity Out of Your Workday

b2ap3_thumbnail_tips_to_enhance_productivity_400.jpgThere are countless ways to boost your productivity in the office… at least, that’s what the Internet says. How do you separate the productivity champs from the chumps? It’s simple, really; just look for the tried and true methods that have been backed by thorough research. One such study, performed by Julia Gifford of Draugiem Group, claims that workers can be more productive by not trying to do as much office work as possible.

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Microsoft Takes a Business-Centric Approach With Its Mobile Strategy, Part II

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_tablets_productivity2_400.jpgIn our last blog article, we looked at Microsoft’s mobile computing strategy for businesses. In part II, we want to follow up by looking at some specific mobile technology from Microsoft, including a preview of its newest mobile computing venture, Windows 10.

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Too Much Coffee Can Give Your Work Performance The Jitters

b2ap3_thumbnail_caffeine_fix_400.jpgThe road down entrepreneurialism is a long and twisted path, full of pitfalls that can lead you astray. However, there’s one companion who will never forsake you, and that’s your morning cup of coffee. While you might feel like you can’t get anything done without your morning caffeine fix, it can be holding you back from achieving your maximum productivity.

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Tip of the Week: 3 New Tricks to Teach Your Old Computer Mouse

b2ap3_thumbnail_mouse_wheel_click_400.jpgThe computer mouse has been a staple in the modern office for many years. Despite its proven usefulness, it’s now threatened by the growing adaptation of touchscreen devices in the workplace. Are you considering trading in your trusty mouse? Before you do, consider these three mouse scroll wheel tricks that make your boring old mouse more useful.

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